Kamis, 12 April 2012


may 1. Polite request May I expand my bussiness facilities or purchase a new line of inventory with it?
2. Less than 50% certainty Economic analysis may beapplied throughout society, as in bussiness, finance,health care, and goverment, but also to such diverse subjects as crime, education, the family, law, politics, religion, social institution, war, and science
might 1. Less than 50% certainty This might sound shocking because, not only do I contribute to a publication focused on green and sustainable bussiness news
2. Polite request (rare) Might I send the letter of payment tomorrow?
should 1. Advisability The price of milk should be $ 6 a gallon to give dairy farmers a higher living standard and to save the family farm
2. 90% certainty This should be Europe’s moment.
Ought to 1. Advisability We ought to redistribute income to the poor
2. 90% certainty We ought to knock some daylight to those moonlighting in chambers counting on their knightship, promotions and self interests
Had better 1. Advisability with threat of bad result Clinton assert that I said that the Republicans had better economic policies since 1980.
Be supposed to 1. Expectation Since masters are not supposed to robguests
Be to 1. Strong expectation ever suspicious whether the judiciary is to be protect the rakyat or the interests of a chosen few.
Must 1. Strong necessity When Vladimir Putin arrivesin Camp David for the G8 summit in May, President Obama must be ready tolay outthe framework for a new reset
2. 95% certainty The problems must be solved through peaceful negotiations based on internasional law
Have to 1. Necessity However, say that same year you could have to earned an income of $ 45.000 had you been employed.
2. Lack of necessity (negative) The commercial banks that were the main intended recipients have not shown much enthusiasm for putting the money
Have got to 1. Necessity We have got to get back to a day and age where we have properly sized banks and financial institutions.
Will 1. Polite request will our economy get better someday?
2. 100% certainty In general, companies are flush with cash, and expert predict that profits and stock prices will continue to strengthen.
Be going to 1. 100% certainty finance needed public investment, and be going to provide some social protection for those at the bottom, including the unemployed
2. Definite plan It’s going to be tempting to look at home price declines
Can 1. Ability/possibility city car that can run up to 85km per hours and is sould at between $ 45.000
2. Impossibility (negative only) The European Central Bank’s loans can not solve the problem those companies have with underused factories
Could 1. Polite request Could you lend me some money?
2. Less than 50% certainty If he could make everyone think things were starting to go in the crapper, he believed he could justify his larger taks cut.
Be able to 1. Ability All territory regions should be equipped with radar that is able to monitor a radius of up to 1000 kilometers
would 1. Polite request Would the buffet rule help the U.S. Economy?
2. Preference Mayora currently has five factory in bekasi, which would need capital ekspenditure
Used to 1. Repeated action in the past The used to barter like methods may date back to at least 100.000 years ago, though there is no evidence of a society or economy that relied primarily on barter
Shall 1. Polite question to make a suggestion Shall we move into the living room?
2. Future with “I” or “we” as subject I shall return. We shall overcome.

• Economic analysis may beapplied throughout society, as in bussiness, finance,health care, and goverment, but also to such diverse subjects as crime, education, the family, law, politics, religion, social institution, war, and science. At the turn off the 21st century, the expanding domain of economics in the social sciences has been described as economic imperialism.
• The green economy may not include me. This might sound shocking because, not only do I contribute to a publication focused on green and sustainable bussiness news, but I graduated from a school that focuses on sustainable management.
• Might I send the letter of payment tomorrow?
• The price of milk should be$6 a gallon to give dairy farmers a higher living standard and to save the family farm. This is a normative statement, because it reflects value judgement that farmer need a higher living standard and that family need to be saved.
• This should be Europe’s moment. The United States is bogged down in Iraq and cripped bay Wall Street’s collapse, yet the European Union’s role in the world is weakening. Despite all its high ambitions, the EU is listened to less today than 15 years ago.
Ought to
• We ought to knock some daylight to those moonlighting in chambers counting on their knightship, promotions and self interests. And to Bluefire, very sorry u are being tormented by the Family Court. This is where you find the Delinquents, Divorcees, Vampires, Draculas and there are “Along” waiting to finance your case too.
• One of the most common objections to freee markets is that they ignore ethical considerations. In particular, critics argue that there are many things we ought to do that they believe will make people’s lives better off. We ought to redistribute income to the poor, they say. We ought to make health care a right. We ought to fiks the economy bt bailing out the financial industry.

Had better:
• Clinton assert that I said that the Republicans had better economic policies since 1980. That is not the case. The viewer are concerned about is who’s actually going to help the get health care, how are they going to get their kids going to college, and that’s the kind of campaign I’ve tried to run.
Be supposed to:
• Since masters are not supposed to robguests, a domed iron fence has been set up a detention center for those who have done wrong and boy, are they prone to misbe having.
Be to:
• The police or the Anti-Corruption Agency, the rakyat will only witness another cover-up, leaving us, the rakyat without any recourse to justice, ever suspicious whether the judiciary is to be protect the rakyat or the interests of a chosen few.
• When Vladimir Putin arrivesin Camp David for the G8 summit in May, President Obama must be ready tolay outthe framework for a new reset. With russian membership in the WTO, the US and Europe could create incentives for greater rule of law in the economy and elsewhere in Russia.
• The problems must be solved through peaceful negotiations based on internasional law, the 1982 UN convention on the law of the sea, and the DOC.
Have to:
• You invest $ 100.000 to start a bussiness, and in that year you earn $ 120.000 in profits. Your accounting profit would be $ 20.000. However, say that same year you could have to earned an income of $ 45.000 had you been employed. Therefore, you have an economic loss of $ 25.000 (120.000-100.000-45.000).
• The commercial banks that were the main intended recipients have not shown much enthusiasm for putting the money.

Have got to:
• They have an implied bailout by the takspayers in this country, and that means that we are setting ourselves up for disaster again. As long as we have banks that are “too big to fail” in this country, we are going to hurt us. We have got to get back to a day and age where we have properly sized banks and financial institutions.
• President Obama wants to take credit for thing better. He’s made this recovery take much longer, but, will our economy get better someday? Of course it will.
• One of the major paradoxes over yhe past several years is how well many bussiness are doing in stark contrast to the ugly overall picture of the U.S. economy. In general, companies are flush with cash, and expert predict that profits and stock prices will continue to strengthen.
Be going to:
• Finance needed public investment, and be going to provide some social protection for those at the bottom, including the unemployed.
• It’s going to be tempting to look at home price declines.

• The GEA, whose 650cc machine is development by the assessement and applications of technology agency, is a city car that can run up to 85km per hours and is sould at between $ 45.000
• The European Central Bank’s loans can not solve the problem those companies have with underused factories.
• Could you lend me some money?
• The American people, those that voted for him and those who didn’t, didn’t support his enormous ta cut. So he set out be to try and convince people that the economy was bad which in Republican terms means in need of stimulation through ta cuts. If he could make everyone think things were starting to go in the crapper, he believed he could justify his larger taks cut.
Be able to:
• Indonesia faces a grear challenge in upholding its border security, as some areas of the country are not covered by radar, ideally. All territory regions should be equipped with radar that is able to monitor a radius of up to 1000 kilometers.
• Would the buffet rule help the U.S. Economy?
• Mayora currently has five factory in bekasi, which would need capital ekspenditure of $ 500.000 this year to improve their production capacity.
Used to:
• The used to barter like methods may date back to at least 100.000 years ago, though there is no evidence of a society or economy that relied primarily on barter. Instead, non monetary societies operated largely along the principles of gift economics and debt. When barter did in fact occur, it was usually between either complete strangers or potential enemies.
• Shall we move into the living room?
• I shall return. We shall overcome. Shall also occurs in the language of laws and directives.

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